Lawson M3 / Infor web service calls


lawson / infor web services: only accepts soap 1.1 messages (not soap 1.2) so use the old school web services link to create the web service reference.

how to call a service:

				//// -----------------------
				//// below this line is copy-and-pasteable with the other section - but change prod to test
				M3CustomProd.ItemOperationsService s = createWebServiceClientProd(user, password);
				M3CustomProd.ct_0 i = new M3CustomProd.ct_0();
				i.ItemNumber = itemNumber;
				i.RelatedItem = relatedItem;
				i.ReplacementType = replacementType.ToString();
				i.StartDate = startDate.ToString("ddMMyy");

				var lws = new M3CustomProd.lws();
				var sst = new M3CustomProd.SupersessionsType();
				sst.MMS020 = i;
				//var req = new M3CustomProd.SupersessionsResponseType(lws, sst);
				M3CustomProd.SupersessionsResponseType response = null;
				try {
					response = s.Supersessions(sst);

					result = response.ToString();
					if (result.EndsWith(".SupersessionsResponseType")) {
						//result = String.Format("Successfully related: {0} > {1} (type {2})", itemNumber, relatedItem, replacementType);
						// in an effort to keep the output simple don't return anything here
						result = "";
				} catch (SoapHeaderException fe) {
					switch (fe.Code.Name) {
						case "M3-4":
							result = String.Format("Relationship already exists: {0} > {1} (type {2})", itemNumber, relatedItem, replacementType);
							result = fe.Message;
				} catch (Exception fe) {
					result = fe.Message;

and this to send authentication

		private M3CustomProd.ItemOperationsService createWebServiceClientProd(string user, string password) {
			M3CustomProd.ItemOperationsService result = null;

			BasicHttpBinding bhbServiceReference = new BasicHttpBinding();
			bhbServiceReference.Name = "m3PROD"; //name not used

			bhbServiceReference.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly;
			bhbServiceReference.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
			bhbServiceReference.Security.Transport.ProxyCredentialType = HttpProxyCredentialType.None;
			bhbServiceReference.Security.Message.AlgorithmSuite = System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Default;
			bhbServiceReference.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.UserName;

			result = (new M3CustomProd.ItemOperationsService());
			result.Credentials = new NetworkCredential() {
				UserName= user,
				Password= password
			return (result);

have this in app settings:

<add key="M3CustomTest.ItemOperationsService" value=""/>
<add key="M3CustomProd.ItemOperationsService" value=""/>

How to add soap v1.1  web service (as opposed to soap 1.2)


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